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Bearded Tit: Facts, Song, & Diet (The Definitive Guide)

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Bearded Tits are some of the most stunning and popular birds. These birds are immediately recognizable for their birdsong and will likely draw the attention of any passersby. These birds call England home and can make any tourist happy when these birds make a morning appearance.

A cute Bearded TIt on a reed.

Bearded Tits can present in a variety of colors. These birds occasionally move around and make nests in other regions of England, but they don’t go very far. Bearded Tits may see a decline in numbers regularly and could face extinction during challenging winters with heavy snows.

Bearded Tits don’t have large numbers, with only around 630 pairs capable of breeding. Read on to learn about Bearded Tits, their song, and their diet.


Quick Facts

Scientific Name: Panurus biarmicusLength: 4.7″ 12cm
Other Names: Bearded ReedlingWingspan: 6.7″ 17cm
Family: TitsWeight: 15g
Conservation Status:Green

What Does a Bearded Tit Look Like?

A Bearded Tit will be distinguishable through the stunning coloration it bears. When looking for a Bearded Tit, you’ll need to look for a white bird with light or deep beige sides and two black lines on its face. This bird will also have a tail of long beige feathers that make it easily noticeable.

You can also spot a Bearded Tit by looking at its short, thin legs used to stabilize itself on even the tiniest branches.

What Does a Bearded Tit Sound Like?

Bearded Tits are most notable for their birdsong and call. This call will sound more like pinging than anything else. Many tourists in England may be confused by the sound and mistake it for construction noises or other activities, although it is soft.

Bearded Tits often use their pinging calls to alert others and get attention as they fly overhead.

What Does a Bearded Tit Eat?

A cute Bearded Tit stading on a tree log covered by moss.

Bearded Tits will eat insects and bugs in the summer, like other birds. However, these birds are unique because they will adjust their diet to accommodate the harsh winters in England. During winter, Bearded Tits are famous for eating reed seeds and other seeds in the area.

England residents may notice more Bearded Tits at bird feeders in the winter since they are trying to adjust to the higher consumption they need to survive the climate.

Bearded Tit Lifespan

Bearded Tits will only live for around two to three years, making them even more special and stunning to observe. These birds have one of the shortest bird lifespans, but they spend most of that time nesting, laying eggs, and raising their young.

Bearded Tit Nesting Habits

Bearded Tits have many babies, laying eggs twice or three times every year. The breeding season will likely last all spring and may go into September if the weather permits. A single brood of Bearded Tits may consist of four to eight eggs.

You may find a Bearded Tit nest low in reeds since this bird type prefers to keep its nests hidden from predators in trees.

How to Spot a Bearded Tit

Some vital factors can help you identify a Bearded Tit. The easiest ways may include looking at the colors of a bird or listening to its song to determine if it’s a Bearded Tit. However, other methods can help you identify the bird type without disturbing nests.

Look at The Tail

A cute Bearded Tit standing on a tree branch.

The tail on a Bearded Tit will have a brown or beige color, and this tail will elongate outward. This tail will be long enough to catch your attention and is almost always longer than the tail of any other bird.

Look at the Face

A Bearded Tit will have two black marks under its eyes that immediately signal what type of bird it is. These marks will likely be symmetrical, with one black marking at an equal distance from the other.

View the Nest From a Distance

Always maintain a safe distance from any bird’s nest. However, taking a small peek at a bird’s nest can give you an idea of what type of bird is in the area. You may also know the nest belongs to a Bearded Tit if you see four to eight small eggs in the nest or if the nest is in a low area.

Bills Are Smaller

The bill of a Bearded Tit is much smaller than that of any other bird. Although it may be hard for someone unfamiliar with birds, this can be a tell-tale sign that the bird you’re looking at is a Bearded Tit.

Is a Bearded Reedling a Tit?

A cute Bearded Tit standing on a tree branch.

A Bearded Reedling is also known as a Bearded Tit. Some bird enthusiasts may not realize that the two titles belong to the same stunning bird. The Bearded Tit received the name Bearded Reedling since it makes its nest in the reeds and other low-lying areas in the England marshes.

Why Do Bearded Tits Eat Grit?

Grit is a mixture of shell chunks, sand, and rock that has become ground into a powder-like substance. This substance can be essential for beard health since it can boost digestion.

Bearded Tits will eat grit because it will help them digest other foods, like the insects and bugs they eat. Additionally, some grit in their diet can help keep a bird’s belly full without needing to go out looking for food, which will require them to be away from the nest for long periods.

Final Thoughts

Bearded Tits have a peculiar diet and a stunning coat of feathers that make them a pleasure to look at while on a walk or other excursion. These birds are called Bearded Reedlings and stay centralized in England, although they migrate to different parts of England.

Spotting a Bearded Tit can be easy. You’ll need to look for its distinct color patterns, rich colors, and migratory patterns. Additionally, you can look for their long, beige tail, the small bill, and their nests among reeds.

A cute Bearded Tit on reed.

Bearded Tits have a short lifespan, between two and three years. However, this bird impacts the world around them through their stunning visuals and birdsong.

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