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37 Types of Yellow Birds in Georgia (Photos Included)

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Yellow birds are one of Georgia’s most beautiful and intriguing species. They come in various shapes and sizes, each with unique behaviors and characteristics.

37 Types of Yellow Birds in Georgia (Photos Included) facebook image.

With 37 different species, yellow birds are one of the most diverse groups of birds in Georgia. Some are large and brightly colored, while others are smaller and drabber.


Yellow Birds in Georgia

Let’s take a look at these beautiful golden birds that you can meet in Georgia.

1. American Goldfinch

An adorable American Goldfinch perched on a stem.
  • Scientific name: Spinus tristis
  • Length: 11-13 cm
  • Weight: 10-20 g
  • Wingspan: 20 cm

American goldfinches are small, yellow finches with bright yellow feathers on their heads and backs. Females have brown wings, while males have black ones.

2. Black-throated Green Warbler

An adorable Black-throated Green Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga virens
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Wingspan: 18-20 cm

The black-throated green warbler is one of the smallest songbirds in Georgia. While it may be small, it packs a punch, and you can hear its call from quite a distance away.

3. Pine Warbler

A cute Pine Warbler perched on a metal fence.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga pinus
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 10-15 g
  • Wingspan: 20-22 cm

This little birdy has a sense of style. Its feathers go from bright yellow to burnt yellow on its wings. In the sun, it looks golden.

4. Baltimore Oriole Female

An adorable Baltimore Oriole Female perched on a branch with a string in a beak.
  • Scientific name: Icterus galbula
  • Length: 18 cm
  • Weight: 32-38 g
  • Wingspan: 25-30 cm

The female Baltimore oriole is a striking yellow bird with black wings and yellow patches on its tail. You can see it in forests and fields throughout Georgia.

5. Yellow-rumped Warbler

An adorable Yellow-rumped Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga coronata
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 13 g
  • Wingspan: 20 cm

The yellow-rumped warbler is a small yellow songbird found throughout Georgia. It has yellow patches on its rump and yellow streaks on its sides. It is known for its distinct call, which sounds like a buzzy “ZEE-zee-zee.”

6. Prothonotary Warbler

An adorable Prothonotary Warbler perched on a thin branch,
  • Scientific name: Protonotaria citrea
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 13 g
  • Wingspan: 23 cm

The prothonotary warbler is a yellow songbird with a bright yellow head and yellow patches on its wings.

7. White-eyed Vireo

An adorable White-eyed Vireo perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Vireo griseus
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 13 g
  • Wingspan: 17 cm

The white-eyed vireo is one of the more unique yellow birds in Georgia. It has a ring of white around its eye as well as white stripes on its wings.

8. Cape May Warbler

A cute Cape May Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga tigrina
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 10-15 g
  • Wingspan: 20 cm

What the cape may warbler lacks in size, it makes up for in strength. This tiny bird migrates thousands of miles each winter.

9. Common Yellowthroat

An adorable Common Yellowthroat perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Geothlypis trichas
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Wingspan: 17 cm

The common yellowthroat is one of the most common birds in North America. It can be found from Canada to Mexico in large numbers.

10. Yellow Warbler

A cute Yellow Warbler perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga petechia
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Wingspan:18 cm

The yellow warbler is a small yellow songbird that makes its home throughout Georgia. It is known for its bright yellow color, distinctive call, and energetic behavior.

11. Cedar Waxwing

A beautiful Cedar Waxwing perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Bombycilla cedrorum
  • Length: 15 cm
  • Weight: 32 g
  • Wingspan: 25 cm

The Cedar waxwing is one of the most recognizable yellow birds in Georgia. It has a yellow and brown body, with yellow patches on its wings and face.

12. Blue-winged Warbler

An adorable Blue-winged Warbler perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Vermivora cyanoptera
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Wingspan: 17-18 cm

The blue-winged warbler is a small yellow bird with distinctive turquoise wings. You can find this yellow songbird throughout Georgia.

13. Palm Warbler

An adorable Palm Warbler perched on an old wooden log.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga palmarum
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 10-13 g
  • Wingspan: 20 cm

The palm warbler is a yellow songbird with yellow and brown stripes on its face.

14. Canada Warbler

An adorable Canada Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Cardellina canadensis
  • Length: 14 cm
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Wingspan: 20 cm

The Canada warbler is a yellow bird found in eastern North America. While you can see it year-round, it migrates to the Caribbean in the winter.

15. Summer Tanager Female

A cute Summer Tanager Female perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Piranga rubra
  • Length: 17 cm
  • Weight: 30 g
  • Wingspan: 28-32 cm

The yellow summer tanager is a stunning yellow bird with bright red feathers on its head, wings, and tail. Only the females are yellow.

16. Dickcissel

An adorable Dickcissel perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Spiza Americana
  • Length: 15 cm
  • Weight: 20-26 g
  • Wingspan: 25 cm

The yellow dickcissel is a small yellow songbird throughout much of North America. It is known for its distinctive call, which sounds like a mix between a “tzee” and a “tick.”

17. Eastern Meadowlark

An adorable Eastern Meadowlark perched on a wooden log.
  • Scientific name: Sturnella magna
  • Length: 20-25 cm
  • Weight: 100-150 g
  • Wingspan: 35-40 cm

The eastern meadowlark is one of the most prominent birds in Georgia. You can find thousands of them in fields looking for insects and bugs.

18. Nashville Warbler

An adorable Nashville Warbler perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Leiothlypis ruficapilla
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 10-12 g
  • Wingspan: 18-20 cm

As the name suggests, the Nashville warbler is quite the singer. This yellow bird is known for its beautiful melodies and flashing yellow tail.

19. Yellow-throated Warbler

An adorable Yellow-throated Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga dominica
  • Length: 14 cm
  • Weight: 10 g
  • Wingspan: 20 cm

The yellow-throated warbler is a medium-sized yellow songbird. You can spot it in most parts of Georgia.

20. Wilson’s Warbler

A cute Wilson's Warbler perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Cardellina pusilla
  • Length: 10-12 cm
  • Weight: 8-10 g
  • Wingspan: 15 cm

Wilson’s warbler is one of the most fashionable birds in Georgia. It has bright yellow feathers and a smart black “hat” on its head.

21. Hooded Warbler

An adorable Hooded Warbler perched on the top of a fence.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga citrina
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 10-12 g
  • Wingspan: 17 cm

The hooded warbler spends its summers in Georgia and its winters in Central America and the Caribbean.

22. Western Kingbird

An adorable Western Kingbird perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Tyrannus verticalis
  • Length: 20-24 cm
  • Weight: 38-42 g
  • Wingspan: 40 cm

This bird has a beautiful yellow belly and a drab gray hat on its head.

23. American Redstart Female

A close-up of a beautiful American Redstart Female.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga ruticilla
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 9 g
  • Wingspan: 17 cm

The American redstart has striking yellow patches on its tail and underwing.

24. Western Tanager

A beautiful Western Tanager perched on a wooden log.
  • Scientific name: Piranga ludoviciana
  • Length: 16-18 cm
  • Weight: 24-28 g
  • Wingspan: 24-30 cm

The yellow western tanager is a stunning yellow bird with bright red feathers on its head, wings, and tail.

25. Yellow-throated Vireo

An adorable Yellow-throated Vireo perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Vireo flavifrons
  • Length: 14 cm
  • Weight: 18 g
  • Wingspan: 22 cm

The yellow-throated vireo is a medium-sized yellow bird with distinctive yellow patches on its throat and head.

26. Yellow-headed Blackbird

A beautiful Yellow-headed Blackbird perched on thin branches.
  • Scientific name: Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus
  • Length: 20-28 cm
  • Weight: 50-100 g
  • Wingspan: 40-44 cm

The yellow-headed blackbird is one of the largest yellow birds in Georgia.

27. Scarlet Tanager Female

An adorable Scarlet Tanager Female perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Piranga olivacea
  • Length: 17 cm
  • Weight: 25 g
  • Wingspan: 27 cm

The female scarlet tanager is a drab mustard color, unlike her more beautiful counterpart.

28. Myrtle Warbler

A cute Myrtle Warbler perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga coronata
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 12 g
  • Wingspan: 15-17 cm

The yellow myrtle warbler is a small yellow bird found throughout much of the eastern United States.

29. Orchard Oriole Female

An adorable Orchard Oriole Female perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Icterus spurius
  • Length: 17 cm
  • Weight: 22-28 g
  • Wingspan: 25 cm

The yellow orchard oriole is a small yellow bird with black and yellow markings on its chest and wings.

30. Yellow-Breasted Chat

An adorable Yellow-Breasted Chat perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Icteria virens
  • Length: 16-19 cm
  • Weight: 25-32 g
  • Wingspan: 25-30 cm

The yellow-breasted chat is a yellow bird known for its distinctive call, which sounds like a mix of chirps, whistles, and buzzes.

31. Prairie Warbler

A cute Prairie Warbler perched on a shrub branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga discolor
  • Length: 11 cm
  • Weight: 7 g
  • Wingspan: 15-19 cm

The yellow prairie warbler is a small yellow bird found throughout much of the eastern United States.

32. Northern Parula

An adorable Northern Parula perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga Americana
  • Length: 12 cm
  • Weight: 8-12 g
  • Wingspan: 14-17 cm

The northern parula has a gorgeous blue and yellow coat that shines when the sun strikes.

33. Orange-crowned Warbler

A cute Orange-crowned Warbler perched on a stem on a sunny day.
  • Scientific name: Leiothlypis celata
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 11 g
  • Wingspan: 18 cm

This little birdy’s plumage includes every shade of yellow and orange.

34. Eastern Meadowlark

An adorable Eastern Meadowlark perched on an old branch.
  • Scientific name: Sturnella manga
  • Length: 20-25 cm
  • Weight: 100-150 g
  • Wingspan: 32-35 cm

The yellow eastern meadowlark is a large yellow bird with black and yellow markings on its wings.

35. Painted Bunting Female

A beautiful colorful Painted Bunting Female perched on a branch.
  • Scientific name: Passerina ciris
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 15-19 g
  • Wingspan: 17-20 cm

This bright yellow bird has brilliant blue, red, and green markings on its head and wings.

36. Kentucky Warbler

A cute Kentucky Warbler perched on a pavement.
  • Scientific name: Geothlypis formosa
  • Length: 13 cm
  • Weight: 14 g
  • Wingspan: 15-17 cm

The yellow Kentucky warbler is a small yellow bird with bold yellow streaks on its chest.

37. Magnolia Warbler

A beautiful Magnolia Warbler perched on a thin branch.
  • Scientific name: Setophaga magnolia
  • Length: 110-13 cm
  • Weight: 9-15 g
  • Wingspan: 17-20 g

The yellow magnolia warbler is a small yellow bird with bright yellow patches on its head and wings. This species is found throughout much of the eastern United States and is known for its melodic warbling call.

Are There Yellow Cardinals in Georgia?

Yes, you can find yellow cardinals in Georgia, but they are rare. These bright yellow birds are unique due to their vibrant color and distinctive song.

What Does It Mean When You See a Yellow Bird?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as yellow birds can mean different things in different situations.

Some believe that yellow birds signify good luck, while others associate them with positive change or new beginnings. The meaning of yellow birds depends on your individual beliefs and culture.


Whether you are a yellow bird enthusiast or simply like these beautiful creatures, this article has everything you need to know about yellow birds in Georgia.

With detailed descriptions and identifying characteristics and behaviors of each bird, we give you a comprehensive resource on yellow birds in Georgia. So head outside and start exploring!

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